Spare Manager
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 Kirkland Oldtimers Hockey League

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What is important to YOUR league:


We achieve this mission through the following:
1. The game is played to have fun in an environment where fear of injury does not exist. We understand that accidents can happen but we do everything we can to eliminate this possibility. This starts with respect for all players and above all KEEPING IN MIND THE DIFFERENCES IN ABILITY AND AGE BETWEEN PLAYERS.
2. We try to ensure that stronger players play against stronger players but sometimes stronger players play against weaker players. Regardless ITEM 1 must be remembered.
3. We encourage socializing after games in our lounge area with free food and inexpensive beverages which we consider key to ensuring that all members mingle among friends both old and new. This goes a long way to ensuring that ITEM 1 happens.
4. Get to know all players in the league and their abilities. This helps with ITEM 1.
5. Offer your time to help the league through volunteering wherever you can. This helps with ITEM 1.
6. Special playing rules that we have put in the league are to eliminate possible injury to all players first and foremost. Respect them. FOR EXAMPLE PLAYERS CUTTING TO THE NET WITH ANY REMOTE CHANCE OF HITTING THE GOALIE IS FORBIDDEN.These rules promote ITEM 1.
7. Other rules include: Cutting through or being in the goalie crease will result in a stoppage in play. Too aggressive or disrespectful play will result in a review by the disciplinary committee. Err on the side of caution. This ensures ITEM 1 happens.
8. Respect of ref’s. No yelling at them whether they are right or wrong. After all we all make mistakes. Let Captains and assistant captains deal with the refs the way they think is best and that may be saying nothing. Since the refs are considered as part of the league, this ensures ITEM 1 happens.
9. Zero tolerance for inappropriate actions on the ice. Do not act as if you do not know what they are since you have been playing hockey long enough. This will reinforce ITEM 1. If you step out of line you will be called out on it and if serious enough even on a first offence discipline could follow with suspensions and possibly expulsion. Remember the disciplinary committee wants to spend the least amount of time during the season on disciplinary issues since it hurts the committees enjoyment of the league and ITEM 1.
To All Kirkland Oldtimers Hockey League Spare Players
The new 2022-2023 season is soon to begin. The Online Spare System has been updated and is now ready for use. The season begins September 2, 2022.

All regular players who will miss a game must log into the online system and indicate that they will miss a particular game. Spare Players can then log into the system and choose any game that they are eligible play. Eligibility is based on your rating. Choosing a game is on a First come First serve basis. The system is simple:

Please note that using Internet Explorer as your Web browser will NOT work properly. Please use Safari, Google Chrome or any other web browser.

Go to and choose (click on) Useful Links then click on spare manager. This will take you to the Spare System where you need to click “login”. Login using your email address (the one that you received this letter on). If this is your first time using the system your initial password is kohl (in lower case). Click on “Login”. You can change your password by going to the top left of the screen and click on your name (it appears in red). On the next screen Scroll down to the password field and enter a new password, then enter it again in the Confirm Password field. You must fill in a few of the other fields that are marked with a * , do so then Click on “Submit”. You are now ready to use the system.

A Spare can play as often as there are games available for him EXCEPT a Spare CANNOT replace the same regular player for more than 2 weeks in a row. This is to allow other Spares, of the same rating, to have a chance to play also.
If you are a new Spare your rating will most likely change after each of your first 3 games in the league.
In order to check for a game available to you click on “My Schedules”. The schedule of games available to you will show up, if there are any. Choose one and click on “Apply”. You will also see a list of games, for the next Friday that you can indicate that you are available to play. Check off the “available” box that applies to you, if you wish. This helps us find a “Last Minute Spare” or assign a Spare After 7pm on the Thursday.

You are done. You should then Logout. For more information on how to use the system, click "Help?" in the top right corner.

If you have any problem using the system please write to and describe the problem. The Spare Coordinator will contact you.
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Note that these browsers are not supported currently. If you use them, the Miss and Apply will not work. Please use other browsers like Chrome instead.

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